AMP Cash Manager Account

Interest is earned daily on balances over $10k and below $5m, with no ongoing fees and instant access. Get a great rate while you look for your next investment. 

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When you think of an investor, what image springs to mind?

For many of us it’s a driven day trader, running on adrenalin, hunched over multiple screens, and buying and selling shares frenetically for marginal gains.

There certainly are some full-time professional investors out there, sweating every trade. But the reality is, investors come in all shapes and sizes.



Marco is planning to invest in shares with some funds from a redundancy, along with regular payments from his salary. He’s looking to earn a great rate on his lump sum while he gets his finances in order before taking the plunge.

Barbara has received an inheritance and she’s keen to invest in a new range of exchange traded funds due for release later this year. She’d love to earn daily interest on her savings until the ETFs come out.

Vikas and Anika have saved up enough money to start investing in property but don’t know where to park their cash until the right apartment comes along. They need immediate access to their money so they can move quickly…and a decent rate wouldn’t hurt.

A nation of investors

From Marco to Barbara, Vikas and Anika, we’re a nation of investors. In 2023, 10.2 million Australians held investments outside their home and super – that’s more than half the adult population1.

We’re putting our money into a whole variety of different types of investment.

  • 58% of investors hold Aussie shares
  • 35% residential investment property
  • 28% term deposits
  • 20% ETFs, and
  • 16% international shares2.

And we’re investing increasingly large sums. The median portfolio size of stock exchange investors increased from $130,000 to $170,000 over the three years to 20233.

But like Marco, Barbara, Vikas and Anika, there are times when you might be in between investments while you’re waiting for the next opportunity – whether it’s the latest ETF release, the next sharemarket listing or the new apartment block down the road.

You need quick access to your money so when the next investment opportunity arrives, you can move quickly to secure it.

So, if you have a reasonable sum put by, where’s somewhere to keep your
money until you’re ready to invest?

  • Term deposits can offer a decent rate but you’re generally locked in for a specific period.  
  • Everyday transaction accounts give you quick access but tend to offer lower rates.
  • Savings accounts offer better rates but you usually need to keep topping up the account.

Fortunately, you don’t have to settle for a low rate or tie up your funds. There is a way to get a great rate and instant access to your money – a cash management account like AMP Cash Manager.

The investment when you’re in between investments

AMP Cash Manager is pretty much the same as an everyday transaction account – no ongoing fees and quick access to your money – but with a crucial difference. It’s built for investors so if you have over $10,000 to invest, you can access a great rate with interest calculated daily.

We’re here to help

If you’d like to find out more about how a cash management account could help you earn interest while you’re in between investments, check out our AMP Cash Manager hub.    

If you’re ready to open a new AMP Cash Manager account, it only takes five minutes – you can apply here.

The investment for when you're in between investments

Open up a AMP Cash Manager Account in under 5 minutes online.

What you need to know

The product issuer and credit provider is AMP Bank Limited ABN 15 081 596 009, AFSL and Australian credit licence 234517.

It’s important to consider your circumstances and read the relevant Product Disclosure Statement or Terms and Conditions before deciding what’s right for you. This information hasn’t taken your circumstances into account. Information including interest rates is subject to change without notice.

Any application is subject to AMP Bank’s approval. Terms and conditions apply and are available at or 13 30 30. Fees and charges may be payable. Full details are available in the Fees and charges guide.

This information is provided by AMP Bank Limited. Read our Financial Services Guide available at for information about our services, including the fees and other benefits that AMP companies and their representatives may receive in relation to products and services provided to you. All information on this website is subject to change without notice.

AMP Bank is a member of the Australian Banking Association (ABA) and is committed to the standards in the Banking Code of Practice

A target market determination for these products is available on our TMD page.

Please note that the AMP Cash Manager account is a banking product, not a superannuation account or superannuation investment option. 

1 ASX Australian Investor Study 2023 – Key findings, p6.
2 ASX Australian Investor Study 2023 – Investing in 2023, p12.
3 ASX Australian Investor Study 2023 – Portfolio size, p14.