About the option

The Future Directions Growth Option is a multi-manager option that gives investors access to a diversified portfolio with a bias towards growth (shares and property) and alternative assets, while having a small exposure to income assets (bonds and cash). The Option has a target allocation of 89% to growth assets and 11% to defensive assets.

The Option can be accessed through AMP SignatureSuper.


The objectives of the Option are to exceed inflation by 3.5% after tax and management fees while accepting a higher level of volatility, and to exceed the median of the Chant West Multi-Manager Survey (high growth segment) after tax, after management fees, over the suggested minimum investment timeframe1.

Target audience

This product is likely to be appropriate for a consumer seeking capital growth to be used as either a satellite, core or standalone holding within a portfolio where the consumer has a medium to long investment timeframe and a high risk/return profile.

Withdrawal frequency

Withdrawals are allowed daily. Withdrawals are normally processed within 5 business days. The constitution allows for payments to be made within 30 calendar days.

What are the risks?

The Option may be suitable for a consumer with a higher risk profile who can accept higher potential losses (eg has the ability to bear up to 6 negative returns over a 20-year period (SRM 6)) in order to target a higher return.

The ‘Risks of investing’ section of the Product Disclosure Statement and Incorporated Information for this Option provides further information about the risks noted above, as well as information about other investment risks of which you should be aware.

For more detailed information relating to the risks of the option, please refer to the relevant Product Disclosure Statement.

View our pricing and performance page for more information

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What you need to know

This information has been prepared by National Mutual Funds Management Ltd (ABN 32 006 787 720, AFSL 234652) (NMFM). While every care has been taken in the preparation of this information, NMFM makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of any statement in it including without limitation, any forecasts. This information has been prepared for the purpose of providing general information, without taking account of any particular investor’s objectives, financial situation or needs. Investors should, before making any investment decisions, consider the appropriateness of the information in this information, and seek professional advice, having regard to their objectives, financial situation and needs.

ipac Asset Management Limited ABN 22 003 257 225, AFSL 234655) (IAML) is the responsible entity of the Option(s) and the issuer of the units in the Option(s) and the Product Disclosure Statement(s) (PDS). To invest in the Option(s), investors will need to obtain and consider the current PDS or other offer document for the relevant Option(s) available at amp.com.au/investments. The PDS or offer document contains important information about investing in the Option(s) and it is important that investors read the PDS or offer document before making a decision about whether to acquire or continue to hold or dispose of units in the Option(s). A target market determination has been made in respect of the Option(s) and is available at www.amp.com.au/investments-tmd. Neither IAML, NMFM nor any other company in the AMP Group guarantees the repayment of capital or the performance of any product or any particular rate of return referred to in this document. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

The Option's risk level is based on the estimated number of negative annual returns for the Option over any 20-year period and is not a complete assessment of the risks of investing in the Option. For instance, it does not detail what the size of a negative return could be or the potential for a positive return to be less than an investor may require to meet their objectives. Consequently, before choosing to invest or reinvest in the Option, you should read the Option's PDS and incorporated information and consider factors such as the likely investment return, the risks of investing and your investment time frame. Information about the methodology used for calculating the risk level is available here.

Important note: The unit prices displayed in this section are indicative only.
If unit prices are not available for today then the latest available prices will be displayed. Unit prices are not calculated on weekends or public holidays.

Our unit price discretion policy states where we may exercise certain discretions in determining the unit price of units on application or withdrawal in each investment option. View and download our Unit Pricing Discretions Policy for the types of discretions that we may exercise, in what circumstances, our policies on how we exercise the discretions and the reasons why we consider our policies are reasonable.

Unit prices are provided for your information only and are not guaranteed. They are based on historical data and you should not rely on the above information as the basis for making any investment, financial or other decision as past unit prices are not a reliable indicator of future unit prices.

During the time it takes to process an application or redemption application, the unit price may vary and the actual unit prices applying to applications and redemptions may differ from those displayed in this section. Actual unit prices can be confirmed on receipt of a completed application or redemption form.

None of ipac Asset Management Limited Funds ABN 22 003 257 225, AFSL 234655), National Mutual Funds Management Limited (ABN 32 006 787 720, AFSL 234652), or any company within the AMP Group makes any representation or warranty as to the reliability, completeness or accuracy of the unit price information or accepts any responsibility arising in any way (including by reason of negligence) for errors in or omissions from the unit price information.

The information in this section is not an offer or recommendation of securities or other financial products offered by the AMP Group and is not an invitation to take up securities or other financial products. Investors should consider the relevant PDS available from us for the relevant option before making any decision regarding the product.

Important note: Past performance
Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

Performance is annualised for periods greater than one year. Total returns are calculated using the unit price which uses the net asset values for the relevant month end. This price may differ from the actual unit price for an investor applying for or redeeming an investment. Actual unit prices will be confirmed following any transaction by an investor. Returns quoted are before tax, after fees and costs, and assume all distributions are reinvested.

All information on this website is subject to change without notice.

The information included on this page was current on the date published within the document or report and issued by the entity identified in the document or report . For up-to-date information, we refer you to the relevant product disclosure statement, target market determination and product updates available at amp.com.au.

1For members in retirement phase, the aim is 0.50% pa higher to allow for these members being exempt from superannuation tax.