Getting started - Helping you during periods of financial difficulty
Our Relationship Managers help AMP clients and their guarantors deal with business or economic downturn, injury, illness, unemployment, death of a loved one, relationship breakdown, natural disaster recovery or when they are struggling to support their family because of an extenuating circumstance.
It can be difficult to reach out for help. When you do, it’s important to try to be open and as realistic as you can be about your financial position. We’ll be compassionate in trying to understand your situation and finding ways we can help. Together with you, we’ll look at:
- how your situation has changed
- your current financial position, and
- how we may be able to help you with your loan repayments
After you first get in touch with us, we’ll start working with you to find a solution that suits your circumstances. Some options might be:
- agreeing to interest only repayments for a short period
- temporarily postponing or deferring your repayments
- adding overdue repayments onto the balance of your loan, so that you are no longer in arrears, or
- extending the term of the loan to reduce the ongoing amount of your repayments.
Note: These arrangements may require you to pay more interest over the loan term. We’ll help you understand the financial implications to make sure you’re comfortable before going ahead.
We’ll contact you by phone or in writing within 21 days of you contacting us about your financial difficulty, either to confirm whether we can accommodate changes to your arrangements, or to ask for more information.
If your request for financial hardship support isn’t approved, we will contact you to explain our decision.
If restoring your financial position is unlikely
A permanent change to your financial situation may mean it is unlikely that your financial position can be restored. However, even in these circumstances, we may be able to help you by:
- agreeing on an alternative arrangement, plan or contract
- changing the terms of your loan
- giving you time to sell your business or other assets to clear or reduce your debt with us, or
- giving you information about bankruptcy or insolvency arrangements.
What you can do
Get in touch and together, we’ll help you work out what you need to do. Call us on 13 30 30 between 8am – 8pm Monday to Friday, or 9am - 5pm Saturday and Sunday (AEST), or contact your Relationship Manager directly.
Talk to a financial counsellor
If you’re suffering financial hardship, it may help to talk to a financial counsellor who can provide guidance on how to manage your debts and finances. For free financial counselling, call 1800 007 007 or visit the National Debt Helpline.
If you choose to use a financial counsellor and you would like us to talk to them, you will need to complete a Financial Counsellor Authorisation form. Your financial counsellor will help you complete this form.
Our obligations
- Once we have all the information we need, you’ll receive an outcome as soon as possible.
- Our written response will outline the terms of assistance, details of the appropriate solution tailored to your circumstances and the period of assistance.
Supporting documents
In order for us to access your request for Hardship, we may also request the following kinds of documents.
- A medical certificate supporting your injury or illness, your time off work and the anticipated date of your return to work.
- A letter from your employer confirming leave.
- A copy of the Death Certificate.
- Where relevant, a letter from your solicitor or executor advising on the status of the administration of the estate.
Information about your current financial position:
For a business owner:
- Latest full year financial statements, together with latest interim financial statements
- 2 years of financial projections
- Evidence that tax payments and other statutory obligations are up-to-date.
For an employee:
- A copy of your last two payslips.
- A letter from your employer confirming the reduction in hours or income.
A copy of your latest bank account statements for all other debts as well as details of any current repayment arrangements you may have with other credit providers.
Other information that we consider necessary to properly assess your situation
- A copy of relevant separation documentation from Centrelink and/or Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages.
- Where possible, documentation of any Family Court Orders granted or a letter from your solicitor outlining the situation.
Additional support
These resources may provide additional financial hardship support, depending on your circumstance.
Name |
Details | Contact details | ||
Salvation Army |
Tools and resources to help customers manage their finances. | www.salvationarmy.org.au/need-help/financial-assistance | ||
National Debt Helpline |
Financial counselling is a free, confidential service to assist if you’re in financial difficulty. | www.ndh.org.au/ 1800 007 007 |
Way Forward |
Not-for-profit organisation focused on helping people manage and repay debt. | www.wayforward.org.au/ | ||
Uniting Care |
Provides help, support and guidance. | www.unitingkildonan.org.au | ||
Wesley Mission |
Helping people in need. | www.wesleymission.org.au | ||
Australian Tax Office Small Business |
Information to help small businesses manage their debt. | www.ato.gov.au/Business/Starting-your-own-business/Supporting-your-small-business/#Managingyourdebts | ||
Money Smart |
An Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC) initiative offering tips and tools to help make the most of your money. | www.moneysmart.gov.au | ||
Money Smart – Women’s money tool kit |
A toolkit designed to help Australian women manage their finances and enhance their financial wellbeing. | www.moneysmart.gov.au/life-events-and-you/women/womens-money-toolkit | ||
Human Services (Centrelink) |
Information about Federal Government initiatives and eligibility. | www.humanservices.gov.au/customer/dhs/centrelink | ||
Job Access |
Gives people with disability, employers, service providers and the community access to information about services, financial assistance and workplace solutions. | www.jobaccess.gov.au | ||
Find unclaimed money |
Simple search tools to find unclaimed money from banks, shares and life insurance. |
www.moneysmart.gov.au/tools-and-resources/find-unclaimed-money |
National Association of Community Legal Centres |
An independent not-for-profit community organisation that provides legal and related services, focusing on the disadvantaged and people with special needs. | www.naclc.org.au | ||
Legal Aid | In each state and territory, legal aid commissions deliver legal assistance services in criminal, family and civil law matters. Some free legal assistance is available, including brochures, information sessions or telephone legal advice. | www.australia.gov.au/content/legal-aid | ||
Contact your Relationship Manager directly or call us
Call us on 13 30 30
Monday to Friday, 8.00am to 8.00pm (Sydney time)
Saturday to Sunday, 9.00am to 5.00pm (Sydney time)
If your financial circumstances change, it’s important to talk to someone to who can provide help, support and guidance as soon as possible.
Important information
The product issuer and credit provider is AMP Bank Limited ABN 15 081 596 009, AFSL and Australian credit licence 234517.
Product disclosure
It’s important to consider your circumstances and read the relevant Product Disclosure Statement or Terms and Conditions before deciding what’s right for you. This information hasn’t taken your circumstances into account. Information including interest rates is subject to change without notice.
Any application is subject to AMP Bank’s approval. Terms and conditions apply and are available at amp.com.au/bankterms or 13 30 30. Fees and charges may be payable. Full details are available in the Fees and charges guide.
This information is provided by AMP Bank Limited. Read our Financial Services Guide available at amp.com.au/fsg for information about our services, including the fees and other benefits that AMP companies and their representatives may receive in relation to products and services provided to you. All information on this website is subject to change without notice.
AMP Bank is a member of the Australian Banking Association (ABA) and is committed to the standards in the Banking Code of Practice.
A target market determination for these products is available on our TMD page.
Terms, conditions and footnotes