Vicinity Centres

    Welcome to your superannuation plan

    AMP has worked closely with your employer to develop a super plan that can help you achieve whatever wealthy you want.



    Choose this plan

    Sign-up to AMP Super and tell your employer where to put your contributions in just two minutes.

    Vicinity centres super logo
    Super designed to support you

    As you work hard to create your tomorrow, you need a super plan that can support you at every stage of life - from starting out in the workforce all the way through to enjoying a well earned retirement.

    Super designed to support you

    As you work hard to create your tomorrow, you need a super plan that can support you at every stage of life - from starting out in the workforce all the way through to enjoying a well earned retirement.

    Why choose the Vicinity Centres Superannuation Plan
    • Flexible investing – choose from a range of investment options or let us do the work for you.
    • Competitive fees – easy to understand, competitive fees.
    • Automatic insurance – yenjoy specially negotiated insurance cover, if you’re eligible.
    • Financial wellbeing – access education, super programs and advice.
    • Easy to manage – stay on top of your super and money using My AMP.
    • Family access benefits – only people employed by Vicinity Centres and their family members can join this special plan.
    Special plan benefits

    Negotiated just for members of Vicinity Centres Superannuation Plan.

    Your employer may pay for the cost of the following insurance cover on your behalf:

    • Life insurance
    • Total and Permanent Disablement

    You may have other insurance in your super too - you can find out more including the amount you are covered for and the level of cover you are eligible for, in the plan document below.  

    Learn more about insurance eligibility.

    What's in the plan?

    This overview explains the special benefits your employer has negotiated for you.

    Key benefits
    • Competitive fees

      For fees relevant to your plan, refer to the plan overview/s above.

    • Automatic insurance

      Eligible members have automatic access to Life, Total and Permanent Disablement, and Income Protection insurance, at generally lower rates than retail insurance.

    • MySuper investment option

      Access the AMP MySuper investment option which offers a lifestages investment approach designed to help protect your super savings as you get older. Alternatively, you can be more hands on and choose investments from our broad range.


    • Family access benefits

      Only people employed by Vicinity Centres and their family members can join this special plan.

    • Financial wellbeing

      Financial wellbeingYour financial wellbeing is supported through our financial wellness programs including face-to-face and digital support.

    • Easy to manage

      Stay on top of your super and money using My AMP. Your super details will be secure, and you’ll be able to access other easy to use online tools too.


    Join AMP Super in minutes

    • 1. Get to know the benefits of your AMP Super plan

    • 2. Sign-up to AMP Super online

    • 3. Tell your employer

    Already have an AMP Super account?

    ​If you have an existing AMP Super account and want to use that instead of joining your employer’s sponsored plan, you can fill out this choice of fund form and give it to your employer.​

    There may be differences between the two AMP plans, so make sure you compare the features and benefits before deciding – a chat with a super coach may help.  

    Education and support

    Our national research initiative tells us that nearly 2.95 million Aussies say they feel moderately to severely financially stressed*. To help, we’ve developed financial wellness programs to support your financial wellbeing, including:

    • Super health checks

      Get 1:1 support with a super coach covering the benefits of joining AMP super, tools and support, investment options, insurance and other general questions at a time that suits you.

    • Financial education

      Ranging from understanding money basics to understanding money basics including workplace seminars, online learnings, useful tools and calculators.

    • The latest financial insights

      Written by experts, delivered to your inbox.

    • Financial advice

      For different budgets on request.

    Easy online management through My AMP

    My AMP is the easy, convenient and secure way to manage your super and money online. Simply register with your account number to:

    • Feel in control of your finances – easy management of your banking, super, investments and insurance online.
    • Manage your accounts – consolidate any lost super, update your beneficiary, manage your investments, access reports and update personal information.

    My AMP is available via the desktop or the My AMP app


    What you need to know

    AMP Super refers to SignatureSuper, a product in the AMP Super Fund. Products in the AMP Super Fund are issued by N.M. Superannuation Proprietary Limited (N.M. Super) ABN 31 008 428 322 (trustee), which is part of the AMP group (AMP).​

    This information is provided by AWM Services Pty Ltd ABN 15 139 353 496 (AWM Services) and is general in nature only. It hasn’t taken your financial or personal circumstances into account.​

    It’s important to consider your particular circumstances and read the relevant Product Disclosure Statement, Target Market Determination or Terms and Conditions available from AMP at or by calling 131 267, before deciding what’s right for you.​

    Read our Financial Services Guide for information about our services, including the fees and other benefits that AMP companies and their representatives may receive in relation to products and services provided to you. All information on this website is subject to change without notice. AWM Services is a part of AMP group.

    ​The super health check is provided by AWM Services and is a general advice conversation only. It does not consider your personal circumstances.​

    VICINITY CENTRES does not publish this site and does not endorse or assume responsibility for any advice contained here.


    1 AMP’s 2022 Financial Wellness Report, page 6.