Specialist funds

    AMP Multi-Asset Fund

    Part of AMP's goals-based investing range of funds. Helping grow wealth steadily over time.


    The Fund invests across a range of traditional and alternative asset classes with an aim to provide strong and stable returns above CPI over rolling 5-year periods. Many investors, particularly those nearing retirement, are looking for investment solutions that help them meet their personal and lifestyle goals. For some investors, this might include a short-term need to fund a holiday, or to purchase a new car.

    The Fund may be suitable for those who:

    • Are in retirement or thinking about retirement, who don't have the capacity to sustain a sharp decline in their wealth, and desire steady growth in capital to pay for lifestyle wants, e.g. pay for a holiday or purchase a new car, or simply enjoy a higher standard of everyday living.
    • Are in the accumulation phase and want to grow their wealth over time but are sensitive to large declines in portfolio value and want less volatility. 

    Why invest with us

    • Dynamic asset allocation - Flexibility and process to adapt asset allocation to reflect best opportunities.
    • Using diverse strategies - Mandates which target differentiated sources of return, such as absolute return focused mandates.
    • Withdrawal frequency - Withdrawals are allowed daily. Withdrawals are normally processed within 5 business days.

    What are the risks

    The Fund may be suitable for a consumer with a moderate to high risk profile, seeking to minimise potential losses (eg has the ability to bear up to 4 negative returns over a 20-year period (SRM 5)) and is comfortable with a moderate to high target return profile.

    The ‘Risks of investing’ section of the Product Disclosure Statement and Incorporated Information for this Fund provides further information about the risks noted above, as well as information about other investment risks of which you should be aware.

    • Returns are not guarantee - When you invest in a managed investment scheme, you should be aware that returns are not guaranteed – future returns may differ from past returns, the level of returns may vary, the value of your investment may vary, and there may be the risk of loss of invested capital.
    • Market risk - The Fund invests in securities that are listed on share markets around the world. This means that the Fund will be affected by any risks associated with these securities. This includes how they perform, their strategy, management, how sustainable their earnings are, and other factors that affect the value and performance of a security, as well as those associated with international investments.
    • Credit and liquidity risk - The Fund invests in alternative assets. Traditional risks such as credit and liquidity risk can be magnified for alternative assets.

    For more detailed information relating to the risks of the Fund, please refer to the relevant Product Disclosure Statement.

    Fund details

    APIR code AMP1685AU
    Investment objective

    The Fund aims to provide a total return (income and capital growth ) before costs and before tax, of 4.5% pa above inflation, the Reserve Bank of Australia inflation rate (Consumer Price Index) - trimmed mean (published on www.rba.gov.au), on a rolling 5 year basis. In addition, we aim to deliver indicative volatility rate of 4-8% (bond-like) over rolling five years. We aim to deliver this in a manner that is as efficient as possible (with respect to risk and cost) within the bounds above.

    Minimum suggested timeframe 5 years
    Distribution frequency Quarterly
    Product inception date 02 Dec 2010
    Risk level (1-7) 5. High
    Product status Open

    APIR code AMP1686AU
    Investment objective

    The Fund aims to provide a total return (income and capital growth ) before costs and before tax, of 4.5% pa above inflation, the Reserve Bank of Australia inflation rate (Consumer Price Index) - trimmed mean (published on www.rba.gov.au), on a rolling 5 year basis. In addition, we aim to deliver indicative volatility rate of 4-8% (bond-like) over rolling five years. We aim to deliver this in a manner that is as efficient as possible (with respect to risk and cost) within the bounds above.

    Investment approach The Fund normally invests in international shares.
    Minimum suggested timeframe 5 years
    Distribution frequency Quarterly
    Product inception date 28 Mar 2011
    Risk level (1-7) 5. High
    Product status Closed to all client applications from 10 May 2022.

    APIR code AMP9028AU
    Investment objective

    The Fund aims to provide a total return (income and capital growth ) before costs and before tax, of 4.5% pa above inflation, the Reserve Bank of Australia inflation rate (Consumer Price Index) - trimmed mean (published on www.rba.gov.au), on a rolling 5 year basis. In addition, we aim to deliver indicative volatility rate of 4-8% (bond-like) over rolling five years. We aim to deliver this in a manner that is as efficient as possible (with respect to risk and cost) within the bounds above.

    Minimum suggested timeframe 5 years
    Distribution frequency Quarterly
    Product inception date 02 Dec 2010
    Risk level (1-7) 5. High
    Product status Closed to all client applications from 10 May 2022.


    Resources & tools

    We're here to help

    Email us ampinvestments@amp.com.au

    Call us 133 267

    8.30am to 5.30pm (AEST)
    Monday to Friday

    What you need to know

    This information is provided by National Mutual Funds Management Ltd (ABN 32 006 787 720, AFSL 234652) (NMFM) and is general in nature only. It doesn’t consider your personal goals, financial situation or needs. It’s important you consider the appropriateness of any advice in light of your goals, financial situation, needs and ESG values and read the relevant  product disclosure statement and target market determination available at amp.com.au, before deciding what’s right for you.

    NMFM is part of the AMP Group and can be contacted on 131 267 or askamp@amp.com.au. “AMP Investments” and “we” refers to NMFM. You can read NMFM’s Financial Services Guide online for information about our services, including the fees and other benefits that AMP companies and their representatives may receive in relation to products and services it provides. You can also ask us for a hard copy.

    A number of the statements on this website are based on information published by others. NMFM has not confirmed the accuracy or completeness of such statements.

    All information on this website is subject to change without notice.