SignatureSuper® - Allocated Pension - Investment option updates

    Product details and performance

    Transition to Retirement

    If your account is a "Transition to Retirement", you will need to review the unit prices, performance reports and crediting rates for Signature Super. You can find your account type in My AMP within the account information section, simply log in today. 

    Contact us

    Call us 136 267

    From 8.30am to 7.00pm (AEST), Monday to Friday for taxed and tax free unit price value.

    Unit prices

    Unit prices effective as at 09/02/2025

    Multi Sector (Traditional)

    Product Entry and exit prices
    Conservative Index 2.00585
    Future Directions Conservative 2.78666
    Moderately Conservative
    Future Directions Moderately Conservative 2.22378
    Moderately Conservative Index 2.35351
    Balanced Index 2.50825
    Future Directions Balanced 3.54249
    Pendal Sustainable Balanced 1.25605
    Moderately Aggressive
    Future Directions Growth 2.87371
    Growth Index 3.3765
    Future Directions High Growth 5.80372
    High Growth Index 3.7522

    Single Sector Investment Options

    Product Entry and exit prices
    Fixed Interest - Core Fixed Interest
    Australian Fixed Interest Index 1.53995
    Global Fixed Interest Index (Hedged) 1.5457
    Specialist Diversified Fixed Income 1.21136
    Australian Property Index 3.41743
    Global Property Index (Hedged) 0.90979
    Alternative Strategies
    Global Listed Infrastructure Index (Hedged) 1.13884
    Equities - Australian Equities
    Australian Share Index 3.13452
    Specialist Australian Share 3.4211
    Equities - Global Equities
    International Share Index 4.06731
    International Share Index (Hedged) 1.30201
    Specialist International Share 3.83238
    Specialist International Share (Hedged) 3.153
    Equities - Small Capitalisation Equities
    Specialist Australian Small Companies 2.60736
    Equities - Specialist Equities
    Specialist Geared Australian Share 2.8906



    Fees and costs

    • SignatureSuper – Investment Guide

      The fees and costs section in the document will provide you detailed information on the charges applicable to your investments.

    • PDS updates

      Access the latest AMP product disclosure statements, and any supporting documents.

    Crediting rates

    SignatureSuper ® Allocated Pension Crediting Rate - effective 31 January 2025



    Investment option Crediting Rate p.a.
    Super Cash  5.05
    Term Deposits  
    6 months 4.90
    1 year 4.80



    ® Registered trademark of AMP Limited ABN 49 079 354 519

    These investment options are available through SignatureSuper and have a crediting rate instead of a unit price.

    A crediting rate is the rate of interest applied to the amount you have invested in that option. The rate can change at any time. For transition to retirement accounts, please refer to the crediting rates published for theSignatureSuper product.

    Super Cash

    The crediting rate is accrued daily and credited annually to your account or when you withdraw from the investment option, including pension payments.

    Term Deposits

    The crediting rate applied is the applicable rate on the day the term deposit was established in your account. It accrues daily and is paid on maturity.


    Term Deposits - Crediting rate adjustments

    An adjusted crediting rate applies in all circumstances where your term deposit is broken before the end of its term. This rate reduction reflects the break costs and risks incurred as a result of the early closure. The adjusted crediting rate applies for the whole period from the start of the term deposit until the date it was broken.


    Product disclosure statement

    • SignatureSuper PDS
    • PDS updates

      Access the latest AMP product disclosure statements, and any supporting documents.

    • Looking for the PDS from when you joined? Call us

    Complimentary retirement health check

    If you’re an AMP super member, you may like to arrange a call with one of our retirement specialists to discuss your super and retirement. To learn more and book in a chat, visit our info page.

    What you need to know

    The retirement health check is a general advice conversation only. It is provided by IPAC Securities Limited ABN 30 008 587 595, AFS Licence No. 234656 (IPAC) to eligible members of the AMP Super Fund. IPAC is a wholly-owned subsidiary of AMP.

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